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SPAN's Transition from School to Adult Life

Providing information, training, and technical assistance for youth, their families, and professionals in order to support informed and effective transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilities

What SPAN's Transition to Adult Life Programs Include

  • Assistance for youth with disabilities aged 14 through 21: Information on rights, roles responsibilities and requirements regarding transition services under federal disability laws and New Jersey State Special Education code.

  • Workshops and publications on best practices in transition planning and strategies for improving student outcomes during high school and beyond.

  • Technical assistance for students with Individualized Education Plans or 504 accommodation plans.

  • Publications available in print, electronic and audio formats.

Resources & Materials

Understanding HIPPA: What Parents Need to Know About Their Adult Children’s Health Information Extended Special Education and Transition Services S3434 Fact Sheet Transition Fact Sheet Student Participation in the IEP Process The Family Guide to Transition Services in New Jersey | Answers questions about Transition to help make it a successful period for youth/young adults with disabilities and their families La Guía para la Familia de Servicios de Transición en Nueva Jersey | Esta guía tiene la intención de responder sus preguntas y trata de hacer que la transición sea un período exitoso para familias, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con discapacidades Transition to Adult Healthcare: NJ Action Blueprint | Guide provides an overview of the barriers and recommendations to achieve patient-centered medical care for emerging adults with disabilities (developed by the Boggs Center University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities in collaboration with the NJ Developmental Disabilities Transition to Health Care Forum, including SPAN and other members of NJ’s Community of Care Consortium for CYSHCN) Integrating Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder into Your Practice: Tips for Adult Health Care Clinicians | Tip sheet for adult practices caring for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with suggestions to help adult health care clinicians successfully integrate young adults into their practices Integrating Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities into Your Practice: Tips for Adult Health Care Clinicians | Tip sheet for adult practices caring for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) with suggestions to help adult health care clinicians successfully integrate young adults into their practices Working with Adult Allies | Webinar from the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) explores how youth self-advocates and adult allies can collaborate effectively Sharing Your Story for a Public Policy Purpose | Webinar from the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) explains how to use personal stories for advocacy in different situations Participating in Advisory Groups | Webinar from the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) on what youth self-advocates need to know in order to serve on boards and other groups Leadership is a Journey: A Series for Youth Self-Advocates | Webinar series from National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships (NCFPP) in collaboration with the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network, Kids As Self-Advocates, and Youth MOVE supports the identification of leadership as a journey and support understanding and learning in key leadership development area Starting and Sustaining a Youth Advisory Board Series | Webinar series for organizations that seek to develop a youth advisory board

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