2024 I/DD Youth Transition Conference
Two days of webinars and workshops celebrating youth & young adults who experience an intellectual and/or developmental disability, their caregivers and the professionals who serve them.
Day 1: Tuesday, October 1st, 9 AM - 3 PM
Day 2: Thursday, October 3rd, 9 AM - 3 PM
BONUS Day: Friday, October 4th, 10 AM - 12 PM
Resource Spotlight Session

2024 NJ I/DD Youth Transition Conference Agenda

Download your copy of the 2024 Agenda here!
Pre-Recorded Workshops
Due to limited time in being able to host all of the workshops live on Zoom,
we pre-recorded webinars for you this year!
Tap titles below to check out the recording.
Presenter: Judith Diaz, Personal Development Consultant
Organization: Say It Out Loud Jiji LLC
Description: Your Growth Plan is designed to support you in your personal development journey, empower you to make positive changes, and help you create a life that aligns with your true self and aspirations.​
Title: Building Self-Confidence: Strategies for Success and Personal Growth
Presenter: Bianca Najera, Training & Technical Assistance Coordinator
Organization: The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project
Description: Self-confidence is an important part of our lives, which contributes to success in our personal and professional lives. This presentation outlines a comprehensive approach to building self-confidence by focusing on mental state, goal setting, positive thinking, daily affirmations, and stepping out of our comfort zone. By understanding and practicing these concepts, we can boost our self-esteem and have a higher sense of achievement.
Title: Pathways to Inclusion: Travel Training for Community Integration and Personal Empowerment
Presenter: Jeffrey Dennis, Senior Research Specialist
Organization: NJTIP @ Rutgers
Description: This presentation will focus on how travel training can empower transitioning high school students with disabilities towards greater independence and help them foster confidence and self-reliance. Travel independence provides a pathway to inclusion for young adults by helping them become active members of their local community through community engagement and potential employment. By combining skill development with personal empowerment, and support from the young adult's family, travel training aims to create inclusive, supportive environments where individuals with disabilities can thrive.
Title: Navigating the Division of Developmental Disabilities Service System
Presenter: Nicholl Vallee, Transition & Employment Specialist
Organization: Division of Developmental Disabilities
Description: Navigating the DDD Service System provides an overview of the DDD adult service system, the necessary steps to complete the eligibility process, the two programs available through its comprehensive waiver, and information about DDD’s Care Management System – Support Coordination.​​
Title: Self-Direction: The Choice is Yours
Presenter: Pamela Brooks, Sr. Account Manager, PPL
Organization: Public Partnerships LLC
Description: The presentation provides an explanation of what Self Direction is, the benefits and model choices of self-direction and the roles others play to ensure the choice is indeed that of the individual. The presentation includes the easy enrollment process and the requirements of the self-directed employee who will be hired by the individual.​
Title: Youth Empowerment: My Journey
Presenter: Giancarlo Vicari, Self-Advocate, Student
Organization: Center for Youth Voice, Youth Choice
Description: My presentation will describe how I joined the Center of Youth Voice, Youth Choice, began acquiring knowledge about how to become a self-advocate, and worked more on my self-determination skills. I know how to do it now after learning about the history of disabilities, how to share my story, and how my voice and my choices are important to set the goals that will guide my next steps in life as an adult from the instructors.
My experience becoming a CYVYC youth ambassador has set me on a path to keep learning, but in the process, I am also demonstrating and learning together with the people who support me and all the other support that I am building around me. Using Supported Decision-Making is helping me guide that process.
I made my showcase project, an illustrated guide about alternatives to Guardianship, with the purpose of benefiting other people with my knowledge and experience, and that I would inspire others to learn more about this stuff. I will be presenting my illustrated guide “Thinking for Me” at the meeting also. The guide, illustrated by Isabella Vicari, is about turning 18 and learning about alternatives to guardianship. ​
Title: Unleashing Superpowers: The NJ Youth Transition Conference Mission​
Description: In this interview, Amy N. Jedele, Director of Projects and Innovation at Values into Action, speaks with Marian Frattarola-Saulino, the Executive Director and co-founder of Values into Action, about the New Jersey Youth Transition Conference (NJYTC).​
LIVE Workshops
Day One: October 1st, 9 AM - 3 PM
October 1st | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Opening Keynote: What's so Special about "Special?"
Presenter: Cortez Range, Self-Advocate
Description: In his presentation, Cortez will challenge the structure of support provided to non-typical students. Through sharing his personal journey through high school and into adulthood, which Cortez remembers vividly 16 years later, Cortez will challenge the idea that reinforcing "specialness" is helpful to students who are labeled "special needs."
Cortez will share his message about the importance of ensuring students in the SPED tract are allowed to be adolescents/young adults. Questions such as "If a student can't sit in a seat for more than 5 minutes to learn, why do we focus on making that student learn to sit in a seat instead of focusing on “how can we teach that student?" will be explored in a format that promotes curiosity and sparks reflection.
Cortez will also talk about what he calls "social anarchy" - the early development and promotion of "us vs them" in regard to typical and non-typical learners. Finally, perceptions of the expectations of "high" versus "low" functioning students will be provided through Cortez's lived experience.
October 1st | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Presenter Panelists: Solo Okonkwo, Renee Caratozzolo, Peggy Chapman, Eric Lorfink, and Steven & Patricia- Graduate Interns
Presenting Organization: NJ Project SEARCH
Description: The goal for each program participant is competitive employment. To reach that goal, the program provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent-living skills to help young people with significant disabilities make successful transitions to productive adult life.
October 1st | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Title: What Happens after the Last Exam? The Journey from School to Adult Life
Presenter: Stefani Rinaldi, Coordinator of Special Education
Presenting Organization: The Center School
Description: After graduation, the vast differences between the education system and the adult world often leads to many former students feeling lost and unfulfilled with their daily lives. This presentation aims to help bridge the gap and cover not only the services available to individuals as both a student and as an adult, but will also discuss the necessary steps that will allow the individual to receive DDD and/or DVRS support.
October 1st | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Title: Care Management Organization and Family Support Organization Panel Discussion
Moderator: April DiPietro; Community Resource Director, Camden County Partnership for Children
Panelists: Katie Meyers, Camden County Partnership for Children; Panelist: Samantha Getsinger, Camden County Family Support Organization; Sarah Webb, Camden County Family Support Organization, and Eric & Elvis- Self-Advocates
Description: Join us for this Q&A session where we will explore the nuances within the NJ Children’s System of Care, the Family Support Organization (FSO), and how service delivery directly impacts youth/young adults navigating their hero's journey. Hear from young adults directly – as they answer common questions and share their lived experience.
October 1st | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Title: Housing 101
Presenter: Jerisa Maseko, Director, Planning for Adult Life
Presenting Organization: The Arc of New Jersey
Description: Individuals with IDD can live in a variety of places in the community. It’s important to determine the level of support needed when exploring housing options in your community. One size does not fit all, so it's never too early to get started on understanding the different living arrangements available. This workshop will give an overview of the options available and what to keep in mind when identifying the best fit for the person.
October 1st | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Title: DVRS - Transition from School to Work
Presenter: Toni Scott, Program Planning and Development Specialist Youth Services
Presenting Organization: NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Description: Exiting school? Unsure of what comes next? Discover how the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) can help shed some light on those next steps. We’ll discuss Pre-Employment Transition Services which are specific career exploration and job readiness services that help students with disabilities prepare for future employment. DVRS plays a critical role in providing a coordinated set of transition services and activities to students with disabilities so they can be ready to embark on achieving their employment goals after high school. DVRS is all about obtaining and maintaining employment!
LIVE Workshops
Day Two: October 3rd, 9 AM - 3 PM
October 3rd | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Presenter: Bill Freeman, State Coordinator of Secondary Transition
Presenting Organization: New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education
Description: This presentation will provide a brief overview of the career development process and provide a practical strategy that when used, greatly improves the chance for success when preparing for students with disabilities to participate in work-based learning opportunities in the community.
October 3rd | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Title: Empowering Youth: Advocacy and Inclusion Strategies
Presenters: Rachel Shandler-Youth Engagement and Empowerment Coordinator; Jeremy Hayer-Youth Engagement Coordinator
Presenting Organization: SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Description: The presentation will cover topics such as tools to empower youth/young adults, the necessary steps in transition planning, the importance of family support, and strategies for building inclusion in our communities. Additionally, there will be a discussion on SPAN’s Advocacy mission, highlighting programs such as the monthly youth chats, weekly Youth Hub blog, and our statewide youth advisory council. These initiatives aim to support and equip individuals with disabilities in heroically navigating their path to independence. The presenters will also address the power of self-advocacy and introduce tools to increase its impact on empowering youth/young adults with disabilities in supported decision-making.
October 3rd | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Title: The Ombudsman’s Office – A Bridge Through the Transition Process!
Presenter: Paul Aronsohn, Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families
Presenting Organization: Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families
Description: New Jersey’s own Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families will talk about the work he and his team do in our community. Mr. Aronsohn will discuss his office’s role with respect to both children and adults – having a foot in both worlds – and the work they do with them and their hero families before, during and after the transition.
October 3rd | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Title: Supports Coordination Agency Panel Discussion
Moderator: Josh Godown, Executive Director; Bridges Supports Coordination, LLC
Supports Coordinator Presenter Panel: Sara Eichner, Bridges Supports Coordination, Christine Clause, Neighbours Inc; Valeree Henderson, KISS; Chelsea Martin, Navigation Support Coordination; Ciara McClinton, Values Into Action NJ
Presenting Organizations: Bridges Supports Coordination LLC, Neighbours Inc, KISS, Navigation Support Coordination, Values Into Action NJ
Description: Join us for this Q&A session where we will explore the nuances of Support Coordination and learn from various Supports Coordination Agencies. What keeps you up at night when you think about you or your loved one transitioning into the adult world of I/DD services and supports? Join us to learn answers about the most pressing questions people ask about transitioning.
October 3rd | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Title: New Life in College- You CAN Do It!
Presenter: Pat Gerke, Assistant Director Center for Adults in Transition with Graduate Students- James and Aminah
Presenting Organization: Rowan College
Description: The Center for Adults in Transition provides an opportunity for 21-24 year old high school graduates with developmental disabilities to experience college in a meaningful way. Exploring social skills, self advocacy and sexuality topics as well as financial literacy and Career Services/Goals, they also enroll in at least one for credit class each semester, starting with Psych 101. Learning about themselves, how people think and ways to continue to improve skills and interactions, they partner with their mentor weekly to explore areas that matter to them. No two students have the same goals, but together they discover strengths as well as greater confidence to pursue meaningful goals. James and Aminah want to share their story with you in more detail!
October 3rd | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Title: NJ ABLE Savings Plan
Presenter: Cristine Chickadel, NJ ABLE Program Representative
Presenting Organization: NJ Division of Disability Services
Description: An NJ ABLE account promotes financial independence without jeopardizing eligibility for many means tested benefits. Learn how to save money while maintaining important federal benefits, such as Medicaid and SSI! Learn all the basics of the how, what and why’s of ABLE savings, in a brief, informative clearly explained presentation. Great for ALL AGES of people with disabilities.
Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!