2022's 2nd Annual
NJ I/DD Youth Transition Conference
was brought to you in collaboration with Values Into Action NJ, Camden Partnership for Children, Camden County Family Support Organization, SPAN, Coordinated Family Care and Partnership for Children of Essex.

One week, 23 workshops.
Click on workshop titles to access the workshop recordings.
Intended Audience Information:
For Professionals indicates workshops were specifically created for professional development in mind.
All inclusive indicates that youth who experience I/DD, their caregivers and professionals would find this workshop informative.
Youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers indicates a workshop that this audience would find most useful. Professionals are welcome to attend.
Flip through the agenda to see workshop details!

Monday, October 3rd, 2022
9.00 am to 7:00 pm
One Zoom Room for FIVE workshops! Room opens at 8:55 AM for Keynote Speaker and closes with last workshop ending at 7:00 PM.
New Jersey's statewide Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families and President Biden’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
What is The Division Vocational Rehabilitation Services?
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) helps people with disabilities get and keep a job. The goal of vocational rehabilitation is to help people return to the workforce or otherwise become more independent. Presentation will review our services, referral process, and more for youth, young adults, and adults.
Presenter: Toni Scott, MSW LSW- Program Planning & Development Specialist- Youth Services; Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Intended audience: all inclusive
Nervous about next steps? Wondering what will happen after high school? Take control, with the support you need to design the life you want for yourself or your family member with the support of your Support Coordinator.
This session will outline the steps you'll take to use self directed services. We look forward to having a robust and interactive discussion with you so please join our session!
Presented by: Marian Frattarola-Saulino, CEO and Christina Rappisi, Director of Support Coordination Services; Values Into Action NJ
Intended Audience: all inclusive
In this moderated panel presentation you will hear directly from Special Education teachers about their experiences developing and implementing person-centered plans with groups of students in their classroom-wide. The session will share strategies for implementation along with successes and challenges using a community of practice model. Video examples will be shared and attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions of the panel.
Presented by: Michael Steinbruck, Senior Training & Consultation Specialist, Rutgers/Boggs Center PCAST Project – Moderator and Panel of Special Education Teachers from NJ Public Schools
Intended Audience: professionals
This presentation or webinar will provide an overview of entering the DDD service system and explain eligibility requirements, the intake process, what services are available, and information related to DDD’s care management system (Support Coordination).
Presented by: Theresa Santana, MA - Quality Assurance Specialist with the Employment & Transition to 21 Unit; Division of Developmental Disabilities
Intended Audience: all inclusive
Tuesday, October 4th, 2022
11.00 am to 8.15 pm
One Zoom Room for FOUR workshops! Room opens at 10:55 AM for first workshop and closes with last workshop ending at 8:15 PM.
This presentation will discuss transition services available to special education students from ages 16 through to 21. There will be a discussion of IEP planning and how the services work in actual practice. It will also include new changes to transition services due to the Covid-19 pandemic and new laws increasing access to services past the age of 21.
Presented by: Sean M. Benoit, Esq. – Managing Attorney and John Rioux, Staff Attorney; Community Health Law Project
Intended Audience: all inclusive
Transportation provides us with access to the wider opportunities of society employment, postsecondary education, job training programs, recreation. Yet, many individuals with disabilities have traditionally been isolated from these societal opportunities, because they lacked a means of transportation. Participants will learn about various transportation options; Trip Planning; NJ TRANSIT Accessible Services including the reduced fare program, Access Link, and NJTIP @ Rutgers travel training.
Presented by: Melody Bundy, Project Manager; NJTIP @Rutgers
Intended Audience: all inclusive
The NJ Achieving a Better Life Experience (NJ ABLE) allows qualified individuals with disabilities to save for disability–related expenses in tax advantaged savings accounts without losing eligibility for certain assistance programs. Informational seminar on ABLE accounts and the valuable benefits it has for those eligible.
Presented by: Ursula Baker, Information & Referral (I & R) Unit Supervisor; Department of Human Services- Division of Disability Services
Intended Audience: all inclusive
This session will be presented by youth for youth and will discuss self advocacy, what it is exactly, and the different ways to build it in youth/young adults with disabilities. The presenters will discuss the importance of having self advocacy and how it can positively affect your future. They will also review the link between self advocacy and supported-decision making.
Presented by: Johan Mora-Valverde, Youth Coordinator and Dylan Campbell, Maine Parent Federation Youth Coordinator; SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Intended Audience: all inclusive
Wednesday, October 5th, 2022
9.00 am to 7.00 pm
One Zoom Room for FIVE workshops! Room opens at 8:55 AM for first workshop and closes with last workshop ending at 7:00 PM.
The presentation will cover Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, Medicare, Medicaid, Auxiliary and Survivors benefits for the family. There will be an overview of the programs, along with their differences and how each program correlates to one another.
Presented by: Marcial Hernandez Jr., Public Affairs Specialist; Social Security Administration
Intended Audience: youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers
This workshop will discuss the students and parents role in building self advocacy skills. It will review the importance of including youth voice in the IEP process and assisting youth to make decisions for their future. It will briefly discuss supported-decision making as an alternative to guardianship.
Presented by: Dawn Monaco, Project Director and REAL Transition Partners; SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Intended Audience: all inclusive
This presentation or webinar will guide participants in identifying steps that will assist students with I/DD to address the seven (7) main areas that need to be accounted for in everyone’s life (Responsibilities, Education, Community Life, Individual Health & Wellbeing, Place to Live, Employment, and Social Life) in order to obtain success, maintain a level of satisfaction, feel a sense of purpose, and experience a meaningful life.
Presented by: Christina Gonzalez; MSW - Coordinator of Transition to Adult Services & Employment; Division of Developmental Disabilities
Intended Audience: youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers
The Session will provide an overview of Self Directed Services. It will answer some of the questions of how Self Directed Services are implemented in NJ so that people and their families can make informed choices regarding the services and supports they receive through the Community Care Program and the Supports Program through the Division of Developmental Disabilities. It will also provide resources available to people to outreach to through the Office of Education on Self Directed Services.
Presented by: Patricia Brennan, MSW and Jessica Licona, MSW - Office of Education on Self-Directed Services; Division of Developmental Disabilities
Intended Audience: youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers
Public Partnerships (PPL), a financial management services (FMS) provider, serving over 30,000 people in New Jersey, will offer an overview of the self-direction model and the benefits that allow participants to select, direct and manage their services. Learn how parents and caregivers can earn income as a paid support person for their child!
Presented by: Kimberly Smith, Director of Client Services, Public Partnerships Group, LLC
Intended Audience: youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers
Thursday, October 6th, 2022
9.00 am to 8.15 pm
One Zoom Room for SIX workshops! Room opens at 8:55 AM for first workshop and closes with last workshop ending at 8:15 PM.
This training provides attendees with a detailed description of Federal and State requirements and best practices related to transition from school to adult life for students with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on how to prepare for the inclusion of appropriate transition planning in IEPs, and how to implement appropriate transition services including linkages and other interactions with other agencies. This session includes opportunities for questions and comments.
Presented by: Bill Freeman- State Coordinator of Secondary Transition, Office of Special Education; NJ Department of Education
Intended Audience: for professionals- educators, transition coordinators & specialists
This presentation will review the steps to obtain competitive employment along with the funding sources. It will walk families through a person-centered approach on employment for an individual.
Presented by: Stefanie Rinaldi, State Director of Employment Services, Pennsylvania at Community Options Inc. and Brooks Sanders, Manager of Employment Services at Eden Autism on behalf of NJAPSE.
Intended audience: youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers
This workshop will discuss the importance of work after high school. The audience will learn strategies to prepare youth to be employed as well as discuss IEP goals, transition services, and activities that lead to a successful transition to postsecondary employment.
Presented by: Dawn Monaco, Project Director and REAL Transition Partner; SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Intended Audience: all inclusive
This workshop will define postsecondary education. It will list the strategies to prepare youth to participate in postsecondary education as well as discuss IEP goals, transition services, and activities that lead to a successful transition to postsecondary education.
Presented by: Jeannine H. Brinkley, Director of Family and Professional Development; SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Intended Audience: all inclusive
Top 5 things you should know to help navigate New Jersey services for youth up to 21 years of age.
Presented by: April DiPietro, LSW- Community Resource Director; Camden County CMO
Intended Audience: all inclusive
Come learn and be inspired by the life of John Miller who has successfully transitioned to services with DDD. John, a 21 year old non-vocal adult who has a diagnosis of Autism, is joined by Alicia Pravata, BCBA (and John’s Self-Directed Employee) & Pat Miller, John's Mother. See how John has created a meaningful life through employment, friendships and natural supports. Pat and Alicia share how they helped John successfully navigate starting a business and designing a life worth celebrating.
Presented by: Alicia Pravata, BCBA & Self-Directed Employee, Pat Miller, Mother and John Miller, Son
Intended Audience: youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers
Friday, October 7th, 2022
10.00 am to 2.00 pm
One Zoom Room for TWO workshops and an open Q&A session! Room opens at 9:55 AM for first workshop and closes with Q&A session ending at 2:00 PM.
Everyone has a right to be involved in their community. There are many supports for people with disabilities to help them do just that. This workshop will discuss support for accessing the community and will provide hands—on tools for helping students to obtain natural support in the community. It will also include a discussion on how to navigate some of the challenges associated with accessing services.
Presenter: Jerisa Chiumbu-Maseko, Director; Planning For Adult Life
Intended Audience: all inclusive
We will discuss the importance of advocacy for transitioning youth and how advocacy can be one of the most important things you can have in your tool kit moving into the adult world toward gaining more independence. We will also cover how the New Jersey on Developmental Disabilities can help and support youth as they transition to adulthood.
Presented by: Frank Latham; NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities
Intended Audience: youth/young adults who experience I/DD, caregivers
Join Paul Aronsohn, New Jersey's statewide Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families & President Biden's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities and 2nd Annual NJ Youth Transition Conference Planning Committee Members in an open forum to receive personal guidance on transition services and supports.
Presented by: the 2022 NJ Youth Transition Conference Planning Committee, Paul Aronsohn
Intended Audience: all inclusive